Goal: To increase teachers’ understanding of the content in the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics with the focus on the big ideas in each grade.
The Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade teachers will participate in an intensive, themed workshop designed to focus on the specific domains in the Common Core State Standards: Counting and Cardinality; Operations and Algebraic Thinking; Number and Operations in Base Ten; Measurement and Data; Geometry.
Specific topics include:
Emphasis on the key ideas in each semester and in each grade level. The “how” of the Singapore Math textbooks, workbooks and teachers‘ guides in teaching Common Core State Standards in Mathematics.
CCSS K.CC 1-7; K.OA 1-5; K.NBT 1-3; K. MD 1-3; K.G 1-6; Counting and Cardinality; Number Bonds; Understand addition as putting together and adding to; and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from.
CCSS 1.OA 1-8; 1.NBT 1-6; 1MD 1-4; 1.G 1-3 Number bonds, Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction; Make addition and subtraction stories; Add and subtract within 20; Understand place value.
CCSS 2.OA 1-4; 2NBT 1-9; 2.MD 1-10; 2G 1-3; Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction; Meanings of addition and subtraction; Fluently add subtract within 20; Understand Place Value; Work with time and money; Reason with shapes and their attributes.